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Monday, November 22, 2010

Sri Lanka's currency

In sri lanka the currency that they use is the Sri Lankan Rupee which concists of 100 cents and comes in denominations 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and the rest are notes and come in 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 dollars. A Sri Lankan rupee is also known as LKR in currency converters.

Usually when you exchange cash at trave agencies or banks, the will have a surcharge of 0.5% which if you exchanged $5000 US to Sri Lanka's currency you would get $557 500 rupees and would have to pay the bank $25 US

1 US dollar = 111 LKR
1 AUS dollar = 110 LKR
1 GBP = 178 LKR
1 Indian rupee = 2.4 LKR

1000 LKR

exchange rates from http://www.xe.com/
information from http://www.tourism-srilanka.com/currency.html

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